Male disney gay sex cartoon

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Ioan Gruffudd puts on a smitten display with his girlfriend Bianca Wallace at the Monte Carlo Television Festival Sources close to the production told Variety that while Hawthorne's relationship was never questioned, studio execs opted to axe the kiss in an apparent move to avoid controversy. Even if creating LGBTQIA+ content was the answer to fixing the discriminatory legislation in the world, we are being barred from creating it,' Pixar employees wrote in a March letter to the company. 'Nearly every moment of overtly gay affection is cut at Disney’s behest, regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership at Pixar. The gay kiss in Lightyear had been cut from the film but was restored after Pixar employees protested Disney's response to Florida's bill. Controversy: The Emirates announced through its Media Regulatory Office of the country's Ministry of Youth and Culture that the film would not be opening in the countryįlorida governor Ron DeSantis in late March signed the bill, which forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten (the equivalent to year one in the UK) through to third grade (the equivalent to year four).

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