Gay pride orlando shooting

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USA TODAY: 50 dead in nightclub, worst mass shooting in U.S. 'It's going to be a great turnout,' Scanlan said. It's a beautiful day and we're trying to look at the bright side. 'It makes everybody celebrate who they are and be proud of who they are. 'You can't live in fear,' said Holly Scanlan, 44, of Valley Cottage, who was selling tie-dyed shirts with her boyfriend.

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This year, the event's message of inclusion and acceptance took on added significance in the wake of the Florida shooting. Held in Nyack since 1999, the event continues to draw from throughout the region and across various communities. 'It's needed,' said Diana Wilkins, one of the event's organizers. 'It's very much a celebration and a reminder, especially after everything that happened last night, that we need to be a community in solidarity.' NYACK - Police security was beefed up at Sunday's Rockland County Pride celebration in Nyack, which came just hours after a shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, left 49 people dead.īut rather than put a damper on the 18th annual gay pride event, it brought a sense of solidarity.

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